Executive Summary
Why this case study may be relevant to you
This project shows how Bull Moose Marketing created a workflow to manage a complex project of consolidating multiple websites to provide a more holistic view of the content and eliminate user confusion. We were able to work closely with the client to tackle this complex project in a cooperation based on communication and trust to create a comprehensive and easy-to-navigate website.Situational Analysis
The Oil Region Alliance (ORA) needed to consolidate their digital presence, which originally consisted of multiple websites, into a single website. The new ORA website needed to clearly communicate their mission, while sharing their message through a great user experience.
The ORA is an organization that balances multiple areas of activity, including tourism promotion, preserving the history and heritage of the region and encouraging economic development. With so many goals, their online presence was often confusing as individual websites existed to address each mission. The ORA knew that they needed to find a way to compile their information into one website that would be easily navigated by their wide audience. In order to keep the website updated long-term, the organization also knew they would need a website that was simple to manage.
After approaching us about the project, we worked together to facilitate new content creation and develop a comprehensive, easily digestible website that directed the different target audiences to their area of interest and was simple to manage after launch.
- Content was spread over multiple websites under the same domain
- There was a large amount of content that needed to be prioritized and reorganized
- The website needed to target multiple audiences
- The website design needed to be modernized
- Consolidate multiple websites into one comprehensive website
- Organize content into an easily-navigable way for multiple audiences
- Ensure efficient client management of website through thoughtful development and post-launch training
Strategic Approach
- Organize website navigation to cater to the needs of multiple audiences
- Develop website layout and visual concept to assist in solidifying the ORA’s branding and guide future marketing efforts
- Coordinate content schedules to ensure the website would launch on time
- Update and modernize the website design to increase engagement and improve user experience
- Create a website that the client can easily manage, and offer training on post-launch website management
Overcoming Challenges Through a Comprehensive Design
By implementing clear design and simplifying navigation, Bull Moose Marketing was able to successfully launch a comprehensive website for the ORA. Now the client is able to clearly communicate messages to their wide audience and independently manage their website post-launch.